Today’s Solutions: January 13, 2025

Podcast Transcript June 14, 20

Podcast Transcript June 14, 2024: Emergency Service Equity for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Tackling Period Poverty in Indigenous Communities

Episode Description Emergency Service Equity for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Tackling Period Poverty in Indigenous Communities This week's solution news: Arielle and Karissa are excited to be sharing solutions again after a three-week break. Today, they focus on health-care-facing Read More...

Free period products for remot

Free period products for remote Indigenous communities in Canada

A new federal effort aims to reduce period poverty in Canada's northern and remote Indigenous communities. According to recent polls, one in every five Canadians struggles to buy period supplies, and the problem is considerably more severe for Indigenous people living in remote locations. According Read More...

Ella Lambert poses with volunteer for period poverty Pachamama project

Meet Ella Lambert, the 21-year-old student fighting period poverty

Ella Lambert, a 21-year-old student in the UK, knows what it’s like to be limited because of her period. “I’ve always struggled with period pain, like absolutely atrocious period pain which would mean that I’d have to miss out on school and cancel plans last minute,” she says. Her Read More...

This sanitary pad washing kit

This sanitary pad washing kit helps refugees tackle period poverty

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are 82.4 million forcibly displaced people around the world, about 6 million of which live in refugee camps. Women make up half of these populations, yet access to period products in these environments remains a major Read More...

Moon days offer menstruating e

Moon days offer menstruating employees a chance to take a break if needed

Kristel de Groot, the 30-year-old Dutch founder of Californian food supplement startup Your Super, came up with the concept for "moon days" when sitting in a boardroom waiting to give a three-hour presentation. On most days she would feel prepared, but at that moment, she was having trouble Read More...

Mother-daughter duo opens firs

Mother-daughter duo opens first menstrual hub in the US

Back in 2012, Lynette Medley founded a nonprofit sexuality awareness and a consultative organization called No More Secrets: Mind, Body, Spirit. Her goal was to cover topics such as consent, bodily autonomy, and navigating healthy relationships. Through this work, she realized that many of the Read More...

How brands and non-profits can

How brands and non-profits can destigmatize menstruation

Before the pandemic, “period poverty” was already an issue. Over the course of the pandemic, due to job instability and income loss, the problem of period poverty has been exacerbated. A UK-based non-profit that supplies period products to the underprivileged called Bloody Good Period Read More...

Scotland becomes first country

Scotland becomes first country to make period products free for all

Scotland is making history in public health as it becomes the first country in the world to make period products free to anyone who needs them. The Scottish Parliament unanimously passed the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill last week to ensure that menstrual products are free and Read More...

Period poverty: New Zealand to

Period poverty: New Zealand to provide free sanitary products to schools

Period poverty is a term that describes where girls or women are unable to afford or access sufficient menstrual hygiene products. It is often seen as a problem confined to developing countries, but several studies have exposed that period poverty impacts millions of people in the world's Read More...

Scotland passes bill to make m

Scotland passes bill to make menstrual products free to anyone in need

In 2018, Scotland became the first country in the world to make menstrual products free to all students in schools, colleges, and universities in the country. This week, Scotland took this idea a giant step further after passing a bill to provide free menstrual products to everyone who needs Read More...