Today’s Solutions: December 13, 2024

Alternatives to war

Alternatives to war

Peace is possible, but is must be constantly won anew. Anita Roddick's last column for Ode. Anita Roddick | December 2003 issue The way things stand now war is just too easy. It’s too easy to send someone else’s children to fight and die. It is too easy to dehumanise the enemy, making people Read More...

And now in other news…

And now in other news...

Dissatisfaction with ever-bigger media companies stimulates growth of alternative news sources. Marco Visscher | November 2003 issue Earlier this year, an American Senate committee asked media tycoon Rupert Murdoch to justify the fact that each week his radio stations dedicate over 300 hours to Read More...

Government Inc.

Government Inc.

New WTO negotiations, but the harmonisation of national regulations deals a blow to democracy. Marco Visscher | August 2003 issue When fresh World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations start in mid-September in Cancun Mexico they will include discussions on foreign investments. This could lead to a Read More...

'Every nation needs to be

'Every nation needs to be disarmed'

Dennis Kucinich is a presidential candidate for the American Democratic Party. By calling for peace and international solidarity he is expressing a view held by many Americans, but is rarely voiced in politics. Tikkun| March 2003 issue What is the worldview that you would bring with you to your Read More...