Today’s Solutions: January 14, 2025

Bhutan: A case study for pande

Bhutan: A case study for pandemic solutions

Countries like New Zealand and Vietnam have been praised for their rapid and comprehensive covid-19 response, but one of the most impressive pandemic successes comes from a small and often under-publicized country: Bhutan.  On January 7, 2021, Bhutan reported its first covid-19 death. Not of Read More...

This workout devices turns you

This workout devices turns your food cans into gains

As gyms have shut their doors and public health authorities suggested we stay indoors, home workouts have become the go-to form of exercise for the quarantine period. Many such bedroom workouts, typically guided by online classes, call for the use of weights such as dumbbells that you may not Read More...

How to live sustainably while

How to live sustainably while quarantining at home

Among the downsides of people’s behavioral changes during the pandemic is that many have increasingly been opting for disposable packaging and protective gear as they are perceived to provide a sense of safety. Experts, however, warn that this mentality could end up harming us more in the long Read More...

How to fight Zoom fatigue with

How to fight Zoom fatigue with comedy

The novelty of these lockdown days has worn off and many of us are at our wits’ ends—especially with all these video calls that are meant to replace in-person interactions. Last week, we shared some structural advice on how to deal with “Zoom fatigue”, the phenomenon of feeling mentally Read More...

The ultimate guide to making a

The ultimate guide to making a quarantine garden—even without much space

Throughout both World Wars, the US government encouraged its citizens to “sow the seeds of victory” and plant War Gardens to assist in the fighting effort. Every day folks were expected to convert every idle plot of land they could muster into gardens to grow crops, which freed up resources for Read More...

How to tap into your creativit

How to tap into your creativity during quarantine

If you’re feeling anxious, agitated, or even a bit bored during quarantine, creativity is a great outlet for an escape. Tapping into your creative side will let you explore new hobbies and feel more engaged without leaving your home. So how can you stimulate your creativity? We have some Read More...

Quarantined in Costa Rica

OPTIMIST VIEW: Quarantined in Costa Rica

"The absurdity (and the beauty) of this moment, is palpable" The newspapers today read like a Gabriel García Márquez novel: the stories seem completely unreal, and yet, we are obliged to believe them. The question on every mind, “Is this really happening, or am I going crazy?”  The Read More...

While at home, you can help as

While at home, you can help astronomers demystify our Universe’s history

Be it baking or needlepoint, since the start of the outbreak, quarantine has been encouraging many people to take up new hobbies as a means to keep busy and make their time at home a little more enjoyable. But what if there was a hobby that would help stave off boredom during self-isolation while Read More...

How self-quarantine and cancel

How self-quarantine and cancelled events reduce pressure on medical facilities

Globalized disease outbreaks create feelings of fear and distress in our communities. Canceling large events and gatherings, as well as staying at home when possible, is frightening as it disrupts our daily lives and routines, but understanding the rationale behind these actions brings more clarity Read More...