Our hearts are incredible for all that they do— but that said, they aren't great at mending themselves. Consequently, after a heart attack, a lot of scar tissue forms in the heart, making it less pliable and unable to pump blood. Researchers have identified a way to reverse some of the damage Read More...
“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” - Betty Friedan By Oliver Kammeyer I live on a bike path, and just a half-mile east of my place there’s a coffee shop that’s always packed. It seems every day the customers compete to see who can wake up earliest to Read More...
These days, it’s not uncommon for women to want to put child-rearing on hold while they focus on pursuing their own interests or professional careers. This means that many women are opting to have kids later in life—however, women’s reproductive biology differs from men’s because they are Read More...
Aging can be measured by more than just the candles on our birthday cake. It can also be measured through chemical changes in our DNA - what scientists call “biomarkers”. But what happens if we alter this process at a cellular level? Can we stop aging in its tracks? In a Benjamin Read More...