Today’s Solutions: March 14, 2025

Perspectives: Unpacking the hy

Perspectives: Unpacking the hydrogen color codes

You may have heard the terms brown hydrogen, grey hydrogen, blue hydrogen, and green hydrogen when referring to this energy source. Who knew hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe (76 percent of all molecules in the universe are hydrogen), came in so many colors! Actually, it Read More...

Thought Leader Series: A lette

Thought Leader Series: A letter to the class of 2020

You have graduated from college, now what? This question looms large for the class of 2020 as they face a global pandemic, few jobs, and a shaky political climate. In this week’s Thought Leader Series, The Optimist Daily founding impact investor Rinaldo Brutoco pens a letter of support to the Read More...

OPTIMIST VIEW: An Emissary Con

OPTIMIST VIEW: An Emissary Conversation - The Business of Doing Good

By The Optimist Daily Team “If you want to predict the future, the best way is to create it.” - Rinaldo Brutoco This weekend we began to create our future as Optimist Daily readers and Emissaries by hosting our inaugural Optimist Daily Emissary Conversation. We know as Optimists that Read More...

Rinaldo Brutoco: Sustainable b

Rinaldo Brutoco: Sustainable business solutions

Deepak Chopra says Rinaldo Brutoco knows what he's talking about when it comes to creating a vision for sustainable and responsible business. Carmel Wroth | Jan/Feb 2009 issue In 1971, Rinaldo Brutoco was an idealistic law school graduate who wanted to devote his career to fighting for the public Read More...

Interview with Rinaldo

Interview with Rinaldo

Editors | Jan/Feb 2009 issue Rinaldo Brutoco is the founder and director of The World Business Academy in Ojai, California. Through lectures and publications, the Academy works to promote a shift in mentality among business leaders toward corporate responsibility and values-driven leadership. Here Read More...