Today’s Solutions: October 18, 2024

Suffering from headaches? This

Suffering from headaches? This yoga pose can take the pain away

Whenever you get a bad headache, your first inclination might be to reach for the medicine cabinet and take an ibuprofen. This is especially the case when you have something you need to get done and you can’t do it with the raging pain affecting your brain. Still, if there was a way to quickly Read More...

Don’t strive for work-life b

Don’t strive for work-life balance. Instead, strive for this

If you think about it, work-life balance is a strange aspiration for a fulfilling life. Balance is about stasis: if our lives were ever in balance — parents happy, kids are taken care of, work working — then our overriding thought would be to shout “Nobody move!” and pray all would stay Read More...

Give your brain the reset it n

Give your brain the reset it needs with these 7 strategies

The fabulous thing about the brain is its ability to “reboot” and remove patterns, bad habits, biases, and limits that no longer serve you. It may feel like the way you think and behave are set in stone, but the fact of the matter is there are ways to press the reset button and get a fresh Read More...

Feeling stressed? These 3 prac

Feeling stressed? These 3 practices will help you let go

Too much stress can have terrible consequences on both your mental and physical health, but what we don’t often realize is that many of the things we stress about don’t deserve all that anguish. Instead of letting those things drive you crazy, sometimes it’s better to just let go of the Read More...

Five strategies to help you ge

Five strategies to help you get through extremely busy times at work

While we’d all like to take some time off work when life gets overly busy, sometimes it’s simply not possible. At times like this, when having a full weekend off seems like a distant dream, you need to follow some practical tips for surviving and thriving when you have to be fully committed. Read More...

How to make yourself more resi

How to make yourself more resilient to stress

Resilience, psychologically speaking, is the ability to adapt to adversity or significant stress. When faced with difficulty, resilient people recover more quickly. They view setbacks as temporary and move forward despite uncertainty. The thing is, resilience isn’t a magical quality that’s Read More...

Feeling stressed? These 7 toni

Feeling stressed? These 7 tonics will help your body feel better naturally

Exercise and meditation are just two ways to help your body and mind deal with stress. Another fantastic way to cope with stress is by brewing up a tonic. Sometimes stress and anxiety can be caused by chemical and nutrient imbalances in your body. By using everyday ingredients such as turmeric, Read More...

The extraordinary health benef

The extraordinary health benefits of the ashwagandha powder

A glass of ancient herbs by the name of adaptogens has been gaining lots of attention for its revitalizing and restorative properties. One herb, in particular, ashwagandha, is a favorite amongst baristas, who like to stir it into their lattes or sprinkle it atop smoothies. But what exactly is this Read More...

How mild levels of stress can

How mild levels of stress can actually improve your health

Whether it is rooted from pressures at work or your personal life, stress is usually seen as a negative factor that can only worsen the situation you’re in. However, experts have found that moderate levels of daily, manageable stress can help protect your body against oxidative damage, which is Read More...

Could part-time work be the ke

Could part-time work be the key to happiness?

Work-related stress is an epidemic linked to degrading public health in America. Not so much in the Netherlands, ranked the third happiest country on earth in this year’s World Happiness Report. Indeed, one of its secrets seems to be the widespread practice of the reduced-hour week. Working Read More...