Today’s Solutions: March 16, 2025

Endangered sea turtles are thr

Endangered sea turtles are thriving on Florida’s beaches thanks to lockdown

With the coronavirus restrictions keeping humans and harmful waste off beaches, endangered leatherback turtles in Florida are expected to enjoy a disturbance-free hatching season this year. Nesting season for leatherback turtles — the world’s largest sea turtle species — is now well Read More...

Endangered young baby turtles in warm evening sunlight being released at a beach in Sri Lanka, fighting their way towards the ocean.

Critically endangered turtles hatch undisturbed on people-free beaches

At the start of each April, people on the northeastern shorelines of Brazil can witness the critically-endangered hawksbill sea turtles emerge from their eggs and make their first steps into the waters of the Atlantic. But as people have been advised to stay indoors to slow the spread of the Read More...

New footage shows the biggest

New footage shows the biggest gathering of sea turtles ever recorded

As if there were “bumper cars” driving around on the surface of the sea, hundreds of thousands of female sea turtles were filmed as they gathered off the coast of Costa Rica before reaching the shore to lay their eggs. While sea turtles do this every year at Costa Rica’s Ostional National Read More...

Wildlife rescue group uses cla

Wildlife rescue group uses clasps from old bras to treat injured turtles

If you think that bras have no other purpose than supporting women’s bodies, think again. A wildlife rescue organization in North Carolina last month put out a very unusual request on Facebook calling for people to donate their old or ill-fitting bras to help save turtles with cracked shells. Read More...

Turkey postpones music festiva

Turkey postpones music festival to protect endangered sea turtles

A Turkish pop music festival, which was planned to take place at the beginning of June on one of Turkey’s southern beaches, has been delayed due to concerns about the spawning period of the endangered Caretta, also known as the loggerhead sea turtle. The announcement of the festival on social Read More...