Today’s Solutions: December 15, 2024

Simplifying supplements

Simplifying supplements

A user’s guide to vitamins and minerals, from calcium to omega-3s. Carmel Wroth | Sept/Oct 2009 issue Natto, a brown, gluey mass of fermented soybeans that emits an ammoniac stench, is served oozing over a bed of rice. In some regions of Japan, natto is a breakfast staple. To most non-Japanese, Read More...

A cure for salad allergy

A cure for salad allergy

The pleasures of gazpacho, Spain’s powerhouse summer soup. Carolyn Steel | June/July 2009 issue Lots of people have a nearly pathological aversion to raw vegetables, which is understandable given that most of us associate raw veggies with "healthy." And if your mother said something was healthy, Read More...

Healthy eating: Vitamines

Healthy eating: Vitamines

Five vitamine suggestions.Andrew Weil | June 2003 issue There is a lot of controversy about the amount and types of vitamins and minerals one needs to stay healthy. But there is no longer any question about the fact that we should take some type of supplement. The mismanagement of farmland and more Read More...

Supplementing global health

Supplementing global health

Howard Schiffer and Vitamin Angels are saving the world one multivitamin at a time Matt Kettmann| Jan/Feb 2007 issue What the world needs now is not love, but vitamins. That’s what 40-year-old Howard Schiffer realized in 1994 after an earthquake hit the former vitamin salesman’s hometown of Read More...