The Kiwkiu, also known as the Maui Parrotbill, was once a common sight on the Hawaiian islands of Maui and Moloka’i. But as a result of human activity, feral pigs, wildcats, and mosquito-transmitted diseases, the golden, thick-billed bird’s population dwindled to around 150. In a bid to Read More...
Spain’s Iberian Lynx is the world’s most endangered species of felines. Just 20 years ago, the animal was at risk of becoming the first big cat to become extinct after the saber-tooth tiger died out 10,000 years ago. With that said, conservation efforts have successfully increased the cat’s Read More...
The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is home to the world’s last two remaining northern white rhinos. The future is bleak for this species, but the alliance’s special Frozen Zoo is hard at work to ensure that the legacy of these species is not lost forever. First and foremost, what is a Read More...
Although there has been a ban on international ivory trading since 1989, tens of thousands of elephants are still poached for their tusks every year, a trend that’s slowly pushing some endangered species to the brink of extinction. A team of scientists has recently developed a high-quality ivory Read More...
A veterinary surgeon in the UK has performed the first-ever corneal operation on a tiger, saving the big cat’s eye. As reported by the BBC, staff at the Shepreth Wildlife Park near Cambridge noticed that the left eye of a 17-year-old Sumatran tiger, named Ratna, was deteriorating after a Read More...
Rangers working to prevent poaching in Africa often use motorbikes to patrol protected areas. The vehicles, however, run on gas-guzzling engines that require expensive and inaccessible gasoline. On top of that, the loud motors make it virtually impossible to sneak up on poachers. A new partnership Read More...
Ten years ago, a butterfly called the Duke of Burgundy was listed as Britain’s rarest, with the species hurtling towards extinction. Thanks to wildlife-friendly farms, however, the population of the small butterfly has now bounced back, with the number surging by 25 percent over the last Read More...
New Yorkers gazing at the East River last week were treated with a surprising and delightful sight: a group of dolphins swimming through the water. Captured on camera by a sightseer near WNYC Transmitter Park in Brooklyn, the dolphins can be see seen swimming in New York’s once famously polluted Read More...
Wildlife and the agricultural industry have long been at odds in California’s Central Valley. The rich farming region known as “the breadbasket of the world” is responsible for 20 percent of the US’ rice production, but it’s also a critical habitat space for migratory birds which have Read More...
As you may have heard, a winter vortex has brought uncharacteristic bone-chilling temperatures to the state of Texas over the past few days. And while humans are certainly feeling the chill, countless sea turtles are facing a frigid death as a result of the drop in temperature. That’s because sea Read More...