A work culture of competition and bonuses along with side jobs in the gig economy has the modern employee working more than ever. Although some companies are adopting four day work weeks to promote quality over quantity in the office, most employees experience burnout at some point in their Read More...
For many people, it’s hard to imagine a time when work fits into a finite timeframe: same start time each day and when it’s over, it’s actually over. That’s a problem. We need that moment at the end of the day where we can stop thinking about what needs to be done. It’s up to you to Read More...
When work or life, in general, have you bogged down, it can feel really difficult to find time to hang out with your friends. But that doesn’t mean you should let your friendships fall to the wayside. Even if you’re busy, there are ways to preserve your friendships so that you can enjoy them Read More...
Going back to work after a weekend off, or even after downtime in the evening, can be a challenge. A healthy life-work balance demands that we do take time to mentally detach from our jobs when we go home in the evening and over the weekend. The problem is, if we fully detach, it can be Read More...
By marking the traditional end of summer, Labor Day is in many ways its own type of New Year moment. It marks the time that we head back to school and back to full work schedules after summer breaks and vacations. This September, as you celebrate the work you do in your life, why not take time Read More...
If you think about it, work-life balance is a strange aspiration for a fulfilling life. Balance is about stasis: if our lives were ever in balance — parents happy, kids are taken care of, work working — then our overriding thought would be to shout “Nobody move!” and pray all would stay Read More...