Today’s Solutions: December 15, 2024
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Six recession-proof steps to b

Six recession-proof steps to becoming a natural entrepreneur

This economic crisis may be just the push you need to find the career of your dreams. Dave Pollard | April 2009 issue The economic news is the worst in at least a generation. What most people have done is cut personal spending, put off major purchases and try to pay off debts from the boom times. Read More...

Making the golden years shine

Making the golden years shine

Why the baby boom generation should be itching to reinvent retirement Marc Freedman | November 2007 issue A fit, handsome sixty-something couple stretches out on a sandy beach. Another silver-haired pair steers a sailboat toward the sunset. A grey-templed golfer watches his drive soar down the Read More...

One last thing…

One last thing...

"We need to replace our work ethic with a play ethic" Jay Walljasper | July/Aug 2005 issue What’s so bad about work? 'The Puritan tradition of the 'work ethic,' which grants you certain moral kudos for allowing your employer to control your identity, has cruelly limited the human capacity for Read More...

Lively work

Lively work

For a lot of people, work is unhealthy. We sit too much or the wrong way, we are too sedentary and we drink too much coffee. It doesn't have to be this way. Doctor Roy Martina offers a number of tips for healthy work. Roy Martina | May 2004 issue Eat healthy snacks Make sure there’s a pretty Read More...